Parker Remick General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy

Parker Remick, LLC collects and processes personal data relating to potential candidates for our search assignments. We’re committed to being transparent about how we’re using and processing your data. This privacy notice only applies to data collected while you are residing in the European Union.

What Information do we collect?

Parker Remick collects the following information:

Prior to communicating with Parker Remick directly we will collect and retain the following basic information:
– Your name, job title, and current organization
– The URL of your social networking profile
– Whether or not you are currently residing in an EU country

This information is obtained from your social networking profile to help us keep track of our attempted communication with you and the searches that you may be relevant for.

Once you respond to an outreach message from Parker Remick, we will ask for your consent to record and store the following advanced information that you provide us:
– Your resume or CV if you choose to send us one
– Any information that would typically be included in a resume or CV, or conveyed during an interview. For example
– Contact information, including email addresses and telephone numbers
– Physical address information
– Employment history, experience, qualifications, skills
– Ability or preference to relocate for a new role
– Largest group managed

Advanced information will be provided by you (through your resume or during our verbal interview).

What is the lawful basis for processing your data?

Parker Remick utilizes the ‘legitimate interests’ basis in processing your basic personal data. Processing your data will allow Parker Remick to contact about potential executive positions. Without the minimal amount of data processing we do it would be impossible to make contact with the vast majority of interested parties.

After we have made contact with you we will ask for your consent to store and share additional information, which then becomes the lawful basis for the processing.

Why do we process your data?

Parker Remick processes your basic information in order to message you about potential executive positions and keep track of our communication.

After interviewing you, we process your advanced information so that we can recommend you to our clients with an accurate assessment of your strengths, experiences, skills, and employment background.

Who has access to the data?

All employees at Parker Remick have access to your data. Before sharing your data with any of our clients we will ask your consent, where we specify which client we will share your information with. Select employees of our client that are involved in the hiring process will have access to the information we share with them.

Parker Remick may need to share a limited amount of information with people you have specified to us to for reference checking.

How do we protect your data?

Our security policies are in place to ensure that your data is safe with us. These policies attempt to mitigate the risk that your data is misused or accidentally disclosed. We have GDPR compliant breach procedures in place, as well as GDPR compliant third party processors. Additionally, all Parker Remick employees have signed non-disclosure agreements and treat candidate data as confidential.

How long do we keep your data?

We keep your data stored for 24 months, at which point we will either contact you to let you know that we’d like to store your information for longer, or we will delete the data. We keep your data for this extended period so that we may contact you about future positions that you may be a fit for.

If you consented to sharing your data with a specific client, we will do so until shortly after that search engagement closes (usually less than 6 months).

What are your rights?

As a data subject under GDPR you are guaranteed several rights. You may:

  • obtain a copy of your data upon request
  • require Parker Remick to change incorrect or incomplete data
  • withdraw consent or opt out of processing and require Parker Remick to delete or stop processing your data
  • object to the processing of your data where Parker Remick is relying on its legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing

Please contact if you would like to exercise any of these rights.

If you believe that Parker Remick has mismanaged or not complied with any of your data protection rights you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at their website:

Last updated August 29th, 2024.